Stick figure of a teacher pointing at a chalkboard.

Supplemental Materials for use with One New Message

Here is a lesson plan for educators that can be used in conjunction with the resilience game One New Message. The covered topics are coping strategies, resilience, and self awareness. This two-page lesson plan is available to download as a single PDF document or as two separate PNG images.

Resilient icons growing from a planter. The icons represent knowledge, activities, and engagement.

Articles and Resources About Resilience & Coping Strategies

Additional background information about resilience, coping strategies, and self-awareness for handout, review, or further classroom discussion.

  1. Supporting Resilience in Schools
    - California Department of Education

  2. Resources to Build Resiliency
    - Resilient Georgia

  3. Coping with Stress
    - CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

  4. Resources for Addressing Trauma and Building Resilience in School-Age Children and Out-of-School-Time Settings
    - Office of Early Childhood Development (U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services)

  5. Resilience: Definitions, attributes, characteristics, factors, and additional resources
    - Resilient Games website (Jennifer Ann's Group)

More Resilience Games Coming Soon

One New Message, UnEarth, and What's Next?!? are available to play now.
More resilience games are coming soon.

Register for our newsletter to be notified when the resilience games are available.

Orange heart with stick figure inside, balancing on one leg. Icon for Resilient.Games.

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A coin is dropped into a small box adorned with a heart.

Support our Work

One New Message is from the award-winning Gaming Against Violence program presented by Jennifer Ann's Group, a nonprofit charity. In addition to games about resilience, we also have free prosocial games about consent, healthy relationships, media literacy, and ... more games to help teens!

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Please share these free resources with educators and parents to help engage, educate, and empower young people about the importance of resilience.

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